We are thrilled to announce that Kuku Yalanji/Kalkadoon artist Kim Ah Sam has joined the Vivien Anderson Gallery family.
Ah Sam first exhibited works with the gallery for The Women’s Show earlier this year, with her astonishingly intricate woven works, not knowing what you know (2O22). These works debuted in the major exhibition, FACELESS: Transforming Identity, Blak/Black Artists from North Australia, Africa and the African Diaspora at Cairns Art Gallery in 2O22.
In 2O2O, Ah Sam undertook a residency at Museum of Brisbane, honing her personal weaving practice and sharing her skills through work shown in the Museum’s acquisitive exhibition carriers of memory (2O21) and through public workshops.
Currently, Ah Sam has an exhibition Woven identity “it’s not only me” at NorthSite Contemporary Arts, exploring the feelings of disconnection with Country she and many First Nations people experience, and uses her weaving practice as a healing process to reconnect with Country.
Welcome to the team, Kim!
Image: Vivien and Kim at Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, 2O23.