The next iteration of the 4th National Indigenous Art Triennial: Ceremony is taking place at Samstag Museum of Art, UniSA from Wednesday 18.1O.2O23 – Saturday 11.11.2O23.
For the 2023 Adelaide Film Festival and Tarnanthi, the Samstag Museum of Art presents a selection of moving image works of art by Hayley Millar Baker, Joel Bray and Gutiŋarra Yunupiŋu, revealing how ceremony is at the nexus of Country, culture and Community.
Join Hayley and NGA curator Tina Baum for an in-conversation event to launch the Triennial at Samstag on Friday 2O.1O.2O23 at 3pm.
The 4th National Indigenous Art Triennial: Ceremony is a National Gallery Touring Exhibition supported by the Australian Government through Visions of Australia and National Collection Institutions Touring and Outreach Program. The exhibition is made possible through the continued generosity of the National Gallery’s Indigenous Arts Partner Wesfarmers Arts and key philanthropic supporters.
Hayley Millar Baker in conversation at Samstag
Friday 2O.1O.2O23, 3pm
Samstag Museum of Art
Hawke Building, City West campus, University of South Australia
55 North Terrace
Adelaide SA 5OOO
RSVP here
Image: Hayley Millar Baker, Nyctinasty 2O21, still from single channel video, 7.54 minutes.