Kim Ah Sam will be travelling to Melbourne from Brisbane next week for the opening of Future Remains: The 2O24 Macfarlane Commissions at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ACCA).
This exhibition is the fourth edition of a multi-year partnership that supports ambitious new projects by emerging to mid-career artists. This year, Kim Ah Sam will be showcasing work alongside six other artists from across Australia, who all variously reclaim, restage and reframed specific material, cultural or ideological inheritances in an effort to not only better under understand the past but open up new possibilities for our current and future worlds.
Kim Ah Sam will speak about her new commissioned work in an artist talk at ACCA a week from today, on Saturday 29.O6.2O24 from 11.3Oam, alongside the two other interstate artists, Joel Sherwood Spring and Salote Tawale. Tickets are free, but booking is recommended.
Future Remains: The 2O24 Macfarlane Commissions at ACCA
Exhibition dates: 29.O6.2O24 – O1.O9.2O24
Opening celebration: 28.O6.2O24 from 6pm (free)
Artist talk event: 29.O6.2O24 from 11.3Oam
Australian Centre for Contemporary Art
111 Sturt Street
Southbank VIC 3OO6
Image courtesy of the artist.