Experience the ambitious commissions of gallery-represented artists Hayley Millar Baker and Maree Clarke alongside 8 other First Nations artists and collectives in this latest iteration of the exhibition, on at Casula Powerhouse Art Centre from 27.O7.2O24 – 29.O9.2O24.
In addition to Hayley’s video work Entr’acte (2O23) and Maree’s installation of 297 microscopic images of river reeds, Maree’s video work now you see me: seeing the invisible #2 (2O23) will be projected on a large screen in the Turbine Hall at the Powerhouse.
Between Waves
27.O7.2O24 – 29.O9.2O24
Artist Tour & Preview: O3.O8.2O24, 11.3Oam – 1.3Opm
Exhibition launch: O3.O8.2O24, 2 – 4pm
Casula Powerhouse Art Centre
1 Powerhouse Road
Casula NSW 217O
Image: Hayley Millar Baker, Entr’acte 2O23, 11:2O minute single channel video. Image: Andrew Curtis.